Profil for SweetMaddie
Vigtigste info
- Jeg er en:
- Kvinde
- Alder:
- 35
- Stjernetegn:
- Skytte
- Land:
- region
- California
- By:
- Castro Valley
Søger en
- Køn
- mand
- Alder:
- 26 - 35
- Land:
- Region:
- —
- By:
- —
- Yndlingssport:
- —
- Interesser:
- —
Om mig
Hi! My name is Maddie. I am really open minded, honest, truthful, funny person who likes to enjoy life. I am I love spending time with family and friends, traveling, exploring new things, going to movies, and going hiking. I would say I have the best smile and laugh, according to my friends and family.
The craziest thing I have done is going up to a stranger and randomly sstart singing.
The craziest thing I have done is going up to a stranger and randomly sstart singing.
Om mine matches
I am looking for someone who has similar values as mine, funny, outgoing, great communication skills, and just great to be around with. Also, a killer smile would be great, too.
- Kropsbygning:
- Børn:
- Vil gerne have børn
- Oprindelsesland:
- Drikkevaner:
- Drikker lidt i sociale sammenhænge
- Uddannelse:
- Bachelor
- Etnisk baggrund:
- Mixed/andre
- Øjenfarve:
- Brun
- Hårfarve:
- Sort
- Hårlængde:
- Skulderlangt
- Højde:
- 160 cm
- Parforholdsstatus:
- Enlig
- Beskæftigelse:
- Faglært
- Religion:
- Ryger:
- Ryger ikke
- Årlig indkomst:
- Sport:
- Distance: